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Croatia is located in a seismically active region, and monitoring earthquakes is crucial for ensuring public safety and preparedness. A new web application offers an intuitive platform for tracking seismic activity in Croatia and surrounding regions. This tool brings essential data on the latest tremors directly to users’ screens, offering real-time insights into seismic events, and helps the general public, as well as professionals, stay informed.

Key Features of the Earthquake Web App

Interactive Map
The core feature of the web app is the interactive map, which displays real-time earthquake activity. The map covers a wide area, stretching across Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, and parts of neighboring countries, helping users visualize the seismic impact zone. Different colored circles represent earthquakes of varying magnitudes, with blue borders marking the seismic regions. This allows users to quickly grasp the severity and location of recent tremors.

Real-Time Data
The map is continuously updated with the latest earthquake data. By default, the app shows the last 100 recorded earthquakes, but users can adjust this number as needed. The table below the map provides detailed information on each event, including the earthquake’s magnitude, depth, date, time, and precise location (latitude and longitude). For example, users can view a recent 2.4-magnitude earthquake that occurred in Bosnia and Herzegovina at a depth of 7 km.

Filter and Search Functionality
The application allows users to search and filter through earthquake records. This helps users focus on specific regions or magnitudes of interest. The filter tool provides an easy way to navigate through hundreds of seismic records, making it user-friendly for both casual users and those needing detailed research data.

Comprehensive Data Visualization
The app provides detailed visualization of earthquake data, including graphical representations of the seismic events. Users can view charts and graphs for a more comprehensive understanding of patterns and seismic trends in the region.

Multilayer Map View
To enhance the viewing experience, users can toggle between different map layers. The “Street Map” and “Aerial Imagery” options provide different perspectives of the earthquake zones. Users can choose the layer that best suits their needs for visualizing earthquake locations and assessing the terrain.

Authorship and Data Sources
Each earthquake entry is verified and backed by reliable sources like EMSC (European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre), ARSO (Slovenian Environment Agency), and OGS (National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics). These trusted authorities ensure the accuracy of the seismic data provided